Three Steps from the top!


Set Out

New to prop trading?
Try it out for free!

  • We offer free demos to help you with prop trading. In this scenario, you will receive a virtual fund to trade with; there's no cost involved and you will not receive a share of the profits. You can check your results or start over at any time.

Give it a try!



Are you ready?
Let’s go!

  • In this scenario, you will have two phases in which you will trade with virtual funds. You need to avoid losses and try to reach your Target profit. If you fail, don't worry, we will provide a retry discount on the entry fee.

Just one step away!


Summit Approach

We are waiting for you!

  • After passing the Halfway, you will be eligible to share profits! While you are using the real funds, you can share part of the profits from the trade. If you continue to make profits, you will always be in this phase.

Show your talent!

Three Simple Steps

01 / Register in Just 5 Minutes
In just around 5 minutes, you can start playing the virtual trading game using virtual funds for a free trial. You can check your results and start over at any time.

02 / Two Phrase Away from Profit Sharing
Show me your talent! Achieve profit targets in two challenges in the virtual trading game.

03 / Share the Profits !
Congratulations! Now, you can use the funds we provide to trade, and fully demonstrate your talents in trading, and we will share part of the profits with you!

Proprietary Trading (Prop Trade)

Our platforms provide you with the tools and resources you need to take your trading to the next level.

Free Trial

Real-time Market Data

Advanced analysis tools

Join our community of talented traders to seize opportunities, manage risks, and maximize returns!

Take the first step towards a successful Prop Trader. Register now and unleash your full potential!